8 Best Foods for Weight Loss

8 Best Foods for Weight Loss

Losing body weight is not that easy. It requires a lot of hard work. A healthy weight is very important for good health. What you eat and how much you eat plays an important role in maintaining or improving health. Losing weight is not only about doing exercise. What we eat matters too. Foods that are rich in fiber, vitamin, and nutrients are proven to be very helpful for weight loss management.

Here are some foods you must include in your daily diet when you want to lose weight

     1. Almonds

Almonds are found to be very rich in fiber, proteins, magnesium and Vitamin E. Eating Almonds every day can help you lose weight and also boost the metabolism of your body. Eating Almonds helps to control Cholesterol level, enhance your lipids and target fat around your belly area.

     2. Oats

Oats are packed with healthy nutrients like high carbohydrates and fiber. Oats contain 2 grams of dietary fiber, 3 grams of Protein and 1.5 grams of fat. Other benefits of Oats include reducing the risk of colorectal cancer as well as heart disease. It also helps in maintaining blood pressure and aids in food digestion.

     3. Whole Grains

Whole grains have more fiber when compared to normal grains. Fiber decreases the rate at which our body digests food. Various studies have shown that people who eat more whole grains tend to have less body fat when compared to people who do not eat whole grains. Whole grains help you to keep your Blood sugar levels stable. Whole grains include Brown rice, Barley, etc

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     4. Eggs

Eggs are a good source of proteins and essential Amino acids which are required by your body. They contain 13 essential Vitamins and Minerals that keep your body working smoothly. One egg has about 6 grams of high-quality protein, making them a good choice as part of an eating pattern that supports a healthy weight.

     5. Green Veggies

Green Veggies are perfect for a Weight loss diet because they are low in carbohydrates and calories and high in Fiber. Green Leafy veggies are highly nutritious and they contain many minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants which help in fat burning. You can include Spinach, Koli, Broccoli, Cucumber, etc in your daily diet.

     6. Green Tea

Green Tea is one of the most advantageous drinks. It is very rich in antioxidants which aid in the fat burning process. It contains Caffeine which is known to facilitate the fat burning process in our body. Start your day with a cup of Green Tea to boost your metabolism and you will see results in a few days.

     7. Apples

This juicy and crunchy fruit has many health benefits making it a must include in everyday diet. It is loaded with fiber which helps to boost metabolic levels, improve heart health and even regulate your blood sugar levels. One medium sized contains almost 85% water which leads to lower calorie intake.

     8. Bananas

Bananas are high in nutrients like Potassium, fiber and important vitamins and minerals. It provides you instant energy to start your day with. Bananas contain quality carbohydrates in the form of resistant starch. One medium sized banana provides around 12% recommended daily intake of fiber with just 105 calories.

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Many other foods like fish, nuts, seeds, legumes, fruits, etc help you to burn fat and eventually help you in weight loss. These foods along with regular exercise will definitely be beneficial for you to reduce weight and live a healthy life.

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